Saturday, 30 June 2012

The Week of Luxury

Our week of luxury as Hesperia Playa el Agua is coming to an end, and although we are somewhat sad and apprehensive about moving on, it's been one fantastic week that we will never forget!

Lunes (aka Monday aka el Diablo) was spent doing absolutely nothing, except lying poolside, reading books and drinking cervesas/tequila. Best Monday weve had in a long time - hell, let's go with ever!! Sorry to everyone else who endured the usual (McLovin especially!!)

The next few days were somewhat uneventful, as we both unfortunately took our turns having some tummy issues. This was brought upon ourselves, deciding to try out the "bottled water" in the dining room. Note to self and everyone else - as per the advice we were given by everyone before coming here, bottled water only!! Feet water, as we've come to call it, just won't do.

We still managed to enjoy the sick days, again reading books and relaxing back and forth between pool and beach. We heard cervesas help kill off bugs too so still enjoyed plenty of those.

On Miercoles (Wednesday) we hit up a little travel agency right off the beach and got ourselves some more bolivars. Money is such a funny thing here with the two different exchange rates (official and black market). I think it's a major tourist deterrent, for as soon as people hear "black market" they're scared away. I don't blame them, but in reality, for us Canadians, what this really means is bring as much US cash with you as you'll need for your entire stay in Venezuela. It's super easy to change your greenbacks on the street at a rate of at least 8:1, and as long as you're not doing it right in the airport, no fear of policia either. We ended up in the travel agency as we didn't bring enough cash to get us through our last week, so had to do a cash advance on a credit card. They use a bank in Italy, so you pay in Euros, get charged in CDN on your card, and then they hand you bolivars an hour later. Complicated!!

Thursday was the Jeep tour - see other post regarding that one.

Friday we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as it was our last day here. Pool, playa, cervesas and (even for me) tequila!! The show that night was awesome, best one yet too.

There have been a couple downsides to the week which I won't dwell on, but just in case anyone was thinking of coming here, request a room on an upper floor! Ours was at the back of tr compound on the planta (ground) level, and never got a blip of sunshine. As a result, NOTHING dried in the room, it was always damp, smelled of mold, and the floor, sheets, pillows ad blankets always felt wet. Then, as we packed up today, Colins backpack wa even covered in mold from being in the closet all week! Overall still a great experience, but potential travelers, beware!

Partially due to all our clothes being wet and dirty, and that we want to celebrate Canada Day in style, AND we love the island, were going to stay the weekend at Posada Nathalie once more until Monday. Well then take a ferry back to the mainland and head to Jakera Lodge - a backpackers haven where we plan to do an overnight kayak tour and swim with dolphins!

We probably won't have wifi again until we get to Jakera, but have had a great time at Hesperia, and want to say a huge GRACIAS once again to my amazing mom and dad for the hook up. You guys rock! Xo

And with that, a big Felice Cumpleanos Canada to everyone at home!! Xoxo

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